Friday, December 28, 2012

I found a photo 

of my son aged around 6 years.hes wearing big furry slippers, black leggings and a long sleeved black tee shirt. his hair is spiked with gell and he's smiling that beautiful unselfconscious smile young children have.

my heart leapt when I looked at this image and then just as instantly broke.

that baby boy has gone - encorporated now in the engaging 23 year old young man he has become.

I love my son - love him dearly but I miss and mourn that enchanting child who exists now only in my memory.

is that why we love becoming grandparents??

((ps I just realised my daughter will most likely read this and will sniff and look at me with those clear blue eyes of her. the unspoken demand - where am I in this?? and my reply to her....

The image I have in my heart of you, my Love, is lying on your back on the small raised lawn outside the musuem; making stars with your outstretched arms and legs. You were conscious of nothing but the joy of your moment and the blue of the sky. I love you!!))

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