Friday, December 28, 2012

trouble in the garden

I woke up this morning to magpies. I love magpies, they seem such courageous, clever creatures and I love their songs. 

One of my most tender memories of my twenties is mending a broken heart with champagne and my favourite music in the bath. 

As I drank and sobbed  my way though the bottle singing  my heart out  I was suddenly stopped by the glorious sight of the end of the sunset  through the bathroom window and the sound of magpies. 

It was a green sunset, one of those rare and elusive beauties and it seemed to me the magpies took  both that beauty and my own pain and amplified them  to a place where all I could do was watch and listen. No place any more for the tedium of a passed lover!!

And I have loved the song of magpies forever since.

I went out this morning to introduce myself to the singers and to offer food. The thinly sliced chicken breast that was  to  be  marinated for dinner tonight was quickly  diced and taken outside. I love the way they so quickly learn to catch what is thrown and eat it on the wing.

The ducks were a little perturbed by the magpies and watched from the safety of the other side of their house - until they saw me throwing food when they immediately waddled over to investigate.

The magpies watched me intently with their beautiful eyes and sang me a song of such fierce beauty it calmed my sullen heart.

Boomps came out to find me, as he always does and was overwhelmed by the sight of the magpies sitting so calmly on the steps below me. He launched himself in a  bundle of fierce joy and lust at them.  They simply lifted upwards in a song of derision and ridicule.

Boomps was so distressed by this he ran as fast as he could and hid in the jacaranda  in the courtyard.

When he saw me with the camera he turned his head away!

I love today!!

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